The Destruction of the Tories

They split themselves
They insulted each other
They divided the Country
They fractured the Union
They tore the heart out of Europe
They followed a Farage

The Impoverishment continues
Oh Little England Shire
Adrift from The World
Who needs friends
With Boris as Captain
There will be more red faces

History will revile them
Black Friday until then

4am Friday 24 June 2016


Barely 4 months later :



Postscript 2
04/12/18. Nigel Farage quits the UK Independence party, which has no Members of Parliament and received less than 2% of the popular vote at the 2017 election.

Postscript 3
23/07/19. After three years of futile and meaningless goverment Boris is finally the Captain as I predicted. His betrayal of David Cameron must all seem worth it.

See The Disaster of Brexit